Upcoming events

Ross Gay: Celebrating ten years of Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude

March 24th, 6-9pm

Join us for a reading and celebration with Ross Gay to honor the 10 year anniversary of his stunning collection of poetry (and one of Byway Books' very favorites), Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude. The evening will include music, a reading from the collection by Ross Gay, Q&A, and of course, time to gather, socialize and build community.

6-7 Music and celebration
7-8 Reading and Q&A with Ross Gay
8-9 Music and celebration

If you'd like to pre-order a copy of the collection, follow this link. We'll have the book ready for you at the event.

The event will be held at Outsider Art Museum and Gallery
2510 Portland Ave, Louisville, KY 40212

This event is free but capacity is limited - reserve your spot now!

reserve your spot   pre-order the collection